I love the Pixies. 

I've loved them since my first listen of Bossanova. I remember opening the nondescript cardboard box from BMG in my room and feeling like something in me changed after that first listen.  I would later find Doolittle, Surfer Rosa/ Come on Pilgrim and Trompe le Monde in constant rotation on my Discman (Discmen, actually - they broke easily). A year or so later, the soundtrack of my freshman year of college would be scored by Frank Black. Those albums were my constant companions, and huge influences sonically.

Unfortunately, I didn't discover the Pixies until after the release of Trompe le Monde and their subsequent breakup. For roughly 13 years, I regretted having never seen them live. I was lucky enough to see Frank Black & the Catholics several times over the years (including a lengthy set in Urbana, IL), but it wasn't the same. Thankfully in 2004, I was able to see the Pixies at Coachella. I was a long way from home, sweaty and excited and I wasn't disappointed. I don't believe I've missed a Pixies show in Chicago since. 

Which brings me to my point. I really find this EP-1 wonderful (go fuck yourself Pitchfork) and this particular song, while not my favorite on the EP (that distinction goes to Indie Cindy), it is a great track that to me sounds like the bridge between the Pixies and Frank Black. To me, that's a great thing. 

Thanks to the Pixies for not disappointing. I am really looking forward to more new music.  Now, what I find great is that I am passing my love of them onto my children, who are very jealous of me going to the February show in Chicago. I can’t wait.


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  1. the go fuck yourself to Pitchfork made me smile. I have music blog called American Pancake and favorably reviewed EP1 /2 and eventually Indie Cindy and was thrilled that Black Francis liked my tweet back then. JUST reviewed Head Carrier and absolutely loved it.


Wow, it's been a LONG while since I've posted anything. I've really been slacking off, but its not like anyone is reading this thing anyway.

While I my have been gone from this blog for awhile, Elizabeth Powell has been away from music for even longer. I guarantee that no one missed this blog, but tons of fans missed her desperately. Thankfully, she's back to help us get through the general weirdness of 2017. We might have to live through a tumultuous world, but at least we have a damn fine Land of Talk LP to get us through it.

Thanks to NPR for streaming the album here. Enjoy the opening track below.

I love the Pixies. 

I've loved them since my first listen of Bossanova. I remember opening the nondescript cardboard box from BMG in my room and feeling like something in me changed after that first listen.  I would later find Doolittle, Surfer Rosa/ Come on Pilgrim and Trompe le Monde in constant rotation on my Discman (Discmen, actually - they broke easily). A year or so later, the soundtrack of my freshman year of college would be scored by Frank Black.

2013 has been a really good year for me music-wise. I'm going to take a little bit to wrap my head around what I've actually consumed and what I may have missed. One thing that is clear, I've listened to ...Like Clockwork more than any record this year. The following track is a huge reason why. This song haunts me and not only is probably my favorite track of 2013, but one that I will come back to for a long time.

Great show last night by Sleigh Bells. Here's the setlist for those who couldn't make it.

I was just sent The Cure's setlist from a April show in Mexico. Man, I hope this is what I get to see Sunday night at Lolla.

True story.

The Pixies were touring in 2004. Rumors began swirling about a reunion well before that. My wife and I were expecting our first child, and I got her to agree to let me miss the birth of that child if there were a Pixies or Beatles reunion show in Chicago that day. Well, I didn't have to miss the birth, but I did leverage her nervousness about that agreement into seeing them play Coachella. I thought that was well played on my part.

I expected to like the new LP by The National, but I never thought I'd love it. Nor did I expect it to become one of my favorite records of the year (we have a bumper crop of good music this year). I mean, I liked The National, but I wasn't one of those people that loved The National... you know who I'm talking about.

I love this album. I give it nine thumbs up.

Buy it here.

Stream it here.

We're nothing without a good diet, and I like to make sure I get my daily dose of minerals with a hearty serving of Rock every morning. Today's supplement is Who's Next by The Who.

I can't get enough of this record. Seriously, I'm obsessed. That's happened to me a few times this year.

Now, I admit that I didn't latch onto it immediately. There was a bit of effort involved. It took a listen on good headphones to the Touch track with Paul Williams to hook me. After that, I was done. This album is worth your time and money.

Read about it here.

Buy it here.

Very, very excited to see another great BRMC show tonight. The show is sold out, so if you don't have tickets, too bad, it's scalpers for you. If you haven't seen them, here's a taste.

Buy the new record here.
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